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420-second "Full Munchie" mock coaching FOR cali-sober-fit
feel good, look good enough

{CaliSoberFit} CSF Coaching is only 420 Seconds, a session.
2-Vice Minimum is necessary to participate.
After your initial brief, private phone consultation, you are asked to call into a live format. This is where Minky, CFN, TMC, CaliSoberFit Founder {who desperately needs to improve listening skills}, will attempt to actively listen to you and really hear you, validate your personal exercise/diet life on my mock coaching AUDIO platform:
The Full Munchie
I will always say, MY INTRO:

"This is Minky, CFN, TMC, I, AM, MOR, FUN, which means:
Minky, Cannabinated Fitness Nurse, The Mock Coach {and} I am more fun 
"Welcome to The Full Munchie" a live, "non-traditional/mock coaching" place for Ex-athletes* to share their exercise rituals to avoid mid-aged waist gain and diabetes T2 & what's holding them back.
Goal of session is to validate my guest's past {glory days} & current effort BUT then get the guest to share a 'hold-back vice' and be open to a 'harm reduction vice' swap for cannabis."

{This may take more than one session and/or a referral}

You can be ANONYMOUS or you can PROMOTE yourself.
The opening question that starts the 420 Second session is:

"Do you Feel Good? Do you Look Good? In your life's experiences, health & fitness related, what is it that motivates you to act? Is it Look Good or Feel Good? What is NOBODY LISTENING TO?"

{in other words, "What do you feel "certain people" need to know about health risks & tips right now?!"}

Answering this question will greatly help you get clarity on what could conceivably work for you. Do you really live your "healthy" philosophy, without stress, guilt or resentment? How can anybody else then?
I want you to focus on you; not what other's think... It's not easy not blabbing to co-workers or even lying, about your new found vitality, because of, not in spite of, your new strong shapely muscle, {not NOzempic}.

My "skinny-fat" {rather fatty muscle} mother's sedentary story has to be told because sarcopenia=diabetes T2=20years cut off life span=death. If you're over a certain age you care.
My Nobody's Listening message: "SARCOPENIA is insidious! The EARLY INDICATOR of Type 2 Diabetes!!! Don't be a burden, unless you're rich. So keep it moving you 2-pack-abs b*tch!"

So, will cannabis edibles be a good fit for you in place of drinking? AND avoiding weight gain? Cali Sober Fitters avoid saying the word "HEALTHY". It is elusive and screams perfection and competition amongst people. We say "HEALTHIER" instead. It's more realistic and comfortable when you say what you really mean and feel.

Coming Soon!

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This type of coaching is not "co-active" coaching in the "traditional" sense. Try to Relax. Nobody's Listening except me, Minky. You can't shock me about weed & working out.
I treat it as a timed game show, so we can have permission to have real fun; NOT fake fun.

That means there are WINNERS & LOSERS. BOTH have fun.

Here are the RULES of the Full Munchie SHOW/GAME:

  • 2 Vice Minimum (see list below)

  • There may be some unorthodox practices {you or me} That's why it's complimentary and it's called, "mock coaching"  to NOT take away from "legit coaching practices".

  • In 420 seconds - You bring your pressing "lifestyle issue", experiential & anecdotal, "healthy" and "closet/social vice" to me. 

  • I "pre-coach" you once or twice by private phone days BEFORE "live" mock coaching session. I'm not a "real coach" per se, so no pressure; no fee. No obligation to do any thing. You are learning how to use cannabis to lose weight naturally of your own free will. 21 y.o.+ by law only.

  • No face to face right away. I hope to meet face to face though.

  • I listen & give some 420-second validation therapy suggestions about how and if medical cannabis can be a "fit" for you in your effort to NOT gain weight after/during quitting your more harmful vice, like drinking and/or sitting. 

Like me, you may have pain and anxiety and need to "Feel Good" first to "Look Better" second... BUT THEN eventually to "LOOK GOOD ENOUGH" will be first and then Feel Good will be for life. And I'm not ashamed to say it... I'm a "Look Good Enough person today". To me, there's no greater stress like that inner, personal one. You must see yourself as Good Enough and keep it moving.

CSF Lifestyle Vice examples: tobacco/smoking anything, social drinking, sedentary/sitting vice, popping pills, running/exercise vice, sweet tooth/candy vice. Social media/FOMO vice. oh, BTW, FOOD ADDICTION is NOT a vice.
I don't believe in "food addiction". How can you be addicted to something you need to live? If you believe in food addiction this CSF living may frustrate you because we only use verbiage that makes sense. Specificity matters.

I'm NOT going to teach you everyday SH*T about diet & exercise, you bring that because you MUST know everything about this by now. 
I'm not trying to be rude. I respect your knowledge of you. 
Now - if you want to "swap" your current vice for cannabis,
and not gain weight and be at peace with it all, (create a CSF lifestyle; NOT DIET again and again)

you must agree to:

  1. Actually using cannabis -  THC delta 9 and some CBD (Cannabis virgins are welcome. Don't worry... I'll be gentle.) And be open to "the Munchies"

  2. Exercise. We see exercise as a "life sentence". Be willing to exercise (burn sugar, resistance work) forever to maintain your musculature (you pick yours or my suggestions. I just work 3 body partts 3 at a time, multi-joint resistance, at a minimum, 2 at a time.) 
    AND I can share with on how to relax/feel good to exercise then always look good... for the rest of your life;
     side effect - AVOID diabetes T2. 


After, sometimes takes more than one session, we {you and I and I may bring in a specialist/legacy coach} determine your cannabinoids, dose, {very low for cannabis virgins} are asked to experiment with "when" to utilize your INTERMITTENT EDIBLES (made with Medical Cannabis/weed) in your diet. Suggestions {like using a tried & true brand and inspected product} are to be congruent with your current rituals and life.

No smoking of cannabis is required to live the CSF Life. No drug pushing. You must want to use or try cannabis edibles without pressure from anyone or anything.

Your Where, How, When questions? Ask in 420 seconds.

You can purchase the many cannabis THC Delta 9 edible products available in dispensaries and retail stores (where legal) OR you can make your own... 
I give away my recipes & edible suggestions. You can share your edible recipe if you want to. Also, there are so many over the internet.

You often will start with "The feel good". If you are not sleeping, and/or in pain, like knee pain, shoulder tightness, then you're not going to start the 420 second exercises properly. So FEEL GOOD comes first.
The relief feeling comes in the action 
you make in a much less harmful way, especially once you've found your dose and your 420 Second exercises. This is very individual. Please do not compare your cannabis experience with your neighbor's son.
Imagine... NOT whining about things. No more anticipated pain when you move nor just saying "fine" w
hen you're not. No more making excuses about NOT participating in activities.

You, then second, will move on to "The look good" which is where we {you and all CSF} stay motivated... in my opinion. This is where all the validation and compliments come. People notice. You know they notice which is cool. And because of that, feel good" again...naturally. You could live this way for life. It's not a journey or race, it's your life. Day to Day. Minute to Minute ...It's great enjoying it.

If you have "general" questions about cannabis, like growing it, the legality of it, specific individual strains and brands, Google it please. I can guide you and "refer" you. {Pun intended!} 

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